Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thoughts About Summer...

It's February, and I'm on school vacation this week.  This is the time I begin thinking about plans for the summer.  I have taken many vacations with my husband and family.  I have taken many graduate courses for professional development.  But I am feeling the need to do something different next summer.  One thing on my bucket list is to travel abroad.  Yes, it is time to plan a trip outside the contiguous U.S.A.

I always think about professional development.  I need that shot in the arm to feel refreshed and ready to return to the classroom in the fall.  And when I think of professional development, I think of Orff Schulwerk!  In fact, I think I think about Orff Schulwerk almost every day!  It's not hard to hear the music of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana in many commercials these days.  So there are constant reminders. But really, have you seen the Hershey's Spreads commercial???  I guess Orff is sweet!

When I purchased my first car in 1985, I also purchased a vanity license plate with the name "ORFF".  Here is a picture of that car and me on vacation camping in Nova Scotia:

I was very proud of that car.  People often asked "What is ORFF?"  I got to say my spiel:  "ORFF is an approach to teaching music to children..."  "Oh," was the response.  They thought it had to do with the dog that was in the back seat.  We have come a long way since then!  

My Wish To Go To The Orff Institut

I have wanted to go to the Orff Institut for many years.  But it always seemed like such a far-off dream. I really want to see Europe, too.  I am classically trained in music, so the thought of going to Mozart's birthplace, as well as seeing opera and other performances is of high interest.  I am also interested in going to see where my father was born, in Germany.  Yes, it's time to plan this trip.