Monday, July 7, 2014

Opening Session

Sunday night was the opening session where everyone meets and finds out how the week will work. Werner Beidinger opened with a song he wrote, "Hello, Let's Go!" (In Deutsch that's "Auf los geht's los!").  Lucky for me, the language will be English throughout the week.  But not so lucky for everyone.  Andrea Ostertag then introduced everyone by country.  There are 27 countries represented!!!  Wow!!  At this moment I do not have a list of all the countries, but I hope that information will be available just so I can try to remember everyone I have met.  The interesting thing is that when instruction is given with words, some people are exhausted trying to understand, or just don't even try.  But once the English words stop and the music begins, EVERYONE joins in!  All participants are eager to make music, and to create music.  Music really is a universal language! 

I love the fact that we never enter a room with our shoes on!  Glad I got a pedicure before I left home!! 

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